
How to Boost Liver Health & Why it’s Mission Critical

liver liver liver

Your liver performs over 500 critical functions every day to keep you healthy. So when it starts getting sluggish, a lot of stuff can start going wrong without us realizing it.

Eat a Balanced Diet - The typical American diet promotes belly fat and inflammation. Swap out refined carbs for gluten-free ancient whole grain bread and veggie or legume-based pasta. Avoid sugar and artificial sweeteners. Eat plenty of vegetables (fiber), fruits (prebiotics), fermented foods (probiotics), nuts, and seeds (healthy fats). Limit grass-fed lean meats to 2-3 times a week, eat wild-caught fatty fish 2-3 times a week, and pasture-raised poultry and eggs.

The only problem? Food may not be the best way to boost your liver health. But this short video will show you a method that works every time.